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Web Architecture

Web Architecture in Web Technology 2024

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  • Post last modified:January 29, 2024
  • Reading time:12 mins read

The entire framework of a website or online application, including its design, implementation, and deployment, is referred to as the web architecture. It describes how different elements work together to provide a smooth user experience and achieve the goals of the website.

Web Architecture

The term “web architecture” can have two main meanings:

1. The structure of the World Wide Web itself:

  • This refers to the underlying technologies and protocols that make the Internet work. 
  • It includes elements such as servers, networks, DNS, HTML, HTTP, URLs, and more.
  • Global communication between different users and systems is made possible by this design.

2. The architecture of a website or web application:

  • This focuses on the specific design and implementation of a website or web app.
  • It involves the technologies and frameworks used to build the front end (client-side) and back-end (server-side) of the application.
  • Common components include databases, web servers, application servers, caching layers, and libraries.
web architecture diagram
web architecture diagram

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Web Architecture diagram

Web architecture diagrams serve as visual representations of the intricate relationships between various components within a website or web application. They map out the flow of data, communication protocols, and dependencies between the client-side, server-side, and network elements. Here’s a breakdown of how these diagrams function:

Web Architecture Components Typically Included

  • Client-side: Web browser, HTML/CSS/JavaScript elements, UI elements, and UX design principles.
  • Server-side: Web server, application server, database, API gateways, and other backend services.
  • Network: Internet, LAN, firewalls, load balancers, and communication protocols like HTTP, HTTPS, etc.
  • Data Flow: Arrows indicating the direction and nature of data transfer between various components.
  • Dependencies: Lines or annotations showing relationships and communication dependencies between elements.

Benefits of Web Architecture Diagrams

  • Clear Communication: Provides a shared understanding of website structure and functionality for developers, designers, and stakeholders.
  • Problem Identification: Helps identify potential bottlenecks, security vulnerabilities, and areas for improvement within the architecture.
  • Documentation and Reference: Serves as a visual reference point for developers during development and maintenance.
  • Future Planning: Guides future development decisions and upgrades by showcasing the existing architecture and potential expansion points.

Types of Web Architecture Diagrams:

  • High-Level Overview: Simplified diagrams focusing on major components and their interactions, ideal for non-technical audiences.
  • Detailed Diagrams: In-depth visualizations with specific technologies, protocols, and data flows, useful for technical analysis.
  • Sequence Diagrams: Show the chronological order of communication between components for specific user actions or scenarios.

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Creating Web Architecture Diagrams:

Various tools and platforms, both online and offline, assist in creating web architecture diagrams. Some popular options include:

Web Architecture Design

Web Architecture Design
Web Architecture Design

1. Understanding web application architecture:

  • Basic components: Web applications typically have three core layers:
    • Presentation layer (front-end): User interface, HTML, CSS, JavaScript frameworks (React, Angular, Vue.js).
    • Application layer (back-end): Business logic, application server (Node.js, Java), databases.
    • Data layer (database): Stores application data (MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL).
  • Architectural patterns: Different patterns define how these layers interact. Popular examples include:
    • Monolithic: Single codebase for all layers, simple but less scalable.
    • Microservices: Independent services for each part of the application, highly scalable but complex.
    • Serverless: Cloud-based functions handle specific tasks, and eliminate server management but can be costly.
  • Considerations: Choose an architecture based on your application’s complexity, scalability needs, and development resources.

2. Designing your web application architecture:

  • Define requirements: What features will your application have? Who are your users?
  • Identify challenges: Scalability, performance, security, maintainability?
  • Choose an architecture pattern: Match your requirements to the right pattern, considering trade-offs.
  • Tools and technologies: Select frameworks, libraries, and databases aligned with your chosen pattern.
  • Designing layers: Define specific components and communication protocols within each layer.
  • Testing and deployment: Implement testing strategies and choose suitable deployment options.

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Interesting facts about Web Architecture in Web Applications

1. The Rise of Microservices: Traditional monolithic architectures, where all functionalities are bundled into a single codebase, are gradually giving way to microservices architecture. In this approach, the application is broken down into independent, loosely coupled services, each responsible for a specific task. This brings several advantages:

The Rise of Microservices
The Rise of Microservices
  • Increased Scalability: Individual services can be scaled independently based on their needs, handling traffic spikes efficiently.
  • Faster Development and Deployment: Developers can work on and deploy individual services separately, accelerating development cycles.
  • Improved Fault Tolerance: If one service fails, it doesn’t bring down the entire application. Other services can continue functioning, minimizing downtime.

2. Serverless Revolution: Serverless architecture is gaining traction as a cost-effective and dynamic approach. Instead of managing servers directly, developers leverage cloud-based services to execute code on demand. This eliminates server provisioning and maintenance overhead, offering benefits like:

  • Reduced Operational Costs: No need for upfront server investment or ongoing management, leading to cost savings.
  • Automatic Scalability: Cloud infrastructure automatically scales to meet application demands, eliminating the need for manual server scaling.
  • Increased Agility: Developers can focus on writing code and logic without worrying about infrastructure, enabling faster development and deployment.
Web App
Web App

3. The Power of APIs: APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) act as the glue between different components of a web application and external services. They define how data is accessed and exchanged, enabling functionalities like:

  • Integration with Third-Party Services: Web applications can leverage features and functionalities offered by external services through APIs, enriching user experience.
  • Data Sharing and Collaboration: APIs allow different applications to securely share data and collaborate, fostering innovation and ecosystem growth.
  • Mobile App Development: Mobile apps can seamlessly access and utilize data and features of web applications through well-designed APIs.

Khurshid Anwar

I am a computer science trainer, motivator, blogger, and sports enthusiast. I have 25 years of training experience of Computer Science, Programming language(Java, Python, C, C++ etc).